컬렉션: Incausa

Incausa - URAHARA


in·causa /in'kouza/ | Latin | 1. "In the cause of"

Incausa, a Social Enterprise, partners with artisans, villages, and associations from eight Indigenous communities in Brazil. They connect their handmade creations and artworks to the global market while supporting Indigenous heritage and sovereignty. Their range of incense, soaps, pottery, and oils is crafted in countries such as Brazil, Peru, Nepal, India, and the USA.

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Incausa Indigenous art is made by eight different native ethnicities in the Amazon. All incense, soaps, pottery and oils are manufactured in Brazil, Peru, Nepal, India and USA, then shipped from Greenpoint in Brooklyn.
The incense resins - Pure Breu, White Sage, Chacrona, Jagube and Palo Santo are all from the Amazon Rainforest, known for being used in Ayahuasca brewing ceremonies and their healing abilities.

Icausa works in partnership with indigenous artisans to create connections between their communities and the international market, and do so at no charge to the producers. One hundred percent of the wholesale price of these products are given directly back to producers, while they maintain profits from retail sales to ensure the sustainability of their model.

Palo santo, which translates to 'holy wood' in Spanish, is the wood from Palo Santo trees which are found primarily in South America. Incausa responsibly source Palo Santo and incorporate it into their incense for it's traditional healing benefits. The high resin content is believed to have purifying properties when it's burned. Used to clear negative energy while promoting the good, reduce pain and purify spaces, people, and objects. It's also a traditional remedy for inflammation, and stress.